I welcomed 2016 with a lot of hope and a pint of Guinness at a random British pub in Tokyo. Although I was alone in a foreign land, I could sense an air of positivity in the air. It was my first trip because I left my full-time job (again), and I was looking forward to much more trips and much more firsts. I didn’t know it then, but that year was going to be a rollercoaster ride, to say the least.
You can say what you want about 2016, but you can’t say it was boring. even up to now, I’m not sure how I feel about it. I don’t think I’m alone in feeling as though it is the year that the universe fucked up the world. There were a lot of times when I just wanted it to end just so I could have that illusion of starting over. I found that every political stand I took turned out to be on the losing side. The only film I co-wrote this year leaked online while it was still in theaters. and I discovered that I suffer from a medical condition that only became obvious recently, confining me in the medical facility for the first time in practically 20 years and stopping me from traveling for the entire summer. Sich vorstellen. Der Kampf ist echt.
Yet, 2016 is the best travel year so far for both Vins and myself. This is the first full year that both of us were full-time travel bloggers (having quit our jobs at the end of 2015). despite my medical scare, we had set foot in 27 countries (21 together), including a long-time-coming two-month journey across Europe, a speaking gig at the world tourism Forum in Istanbul, and winning 3rd place at the first ever #GoogleAdventure in Japan.
But not all of our experiences were awesome! Some were pretty awful, too! before I spoil this list, let’s begin. here are our many unforgettable travel moments, both good and bad, in this crazy thing that is 2016.
Let’s get the bad news out of the way first, yes?
Was befindet sich in diesem Leitfaden?
Top 5 Worst travel Moments5. Earthquake in the shower in Tokyo
4. We got scammed in Istanbul.
3. We got scammed again in Marrakech.
2. Skydiving in Prague: CANCELED!
1. northern Lights in Iceland: NO SHOW!
Top 5 best travel Moments5. totally free upgrade to a water vacation home in the Maldives!
4. speaking at world tourism Forum in Istanbul
3. Chasing Waterfalls and Rainbows in Iceland
2. first Snowfall and hot Air Balloon ride in Cappadocia, Turkey
1. A dance in Florence, Italy.
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Top 5 Worst travel Moments
5. Earthquake in the shower in Tokyo
Over the past three years, I had been to Japan five times (four in Tokyo). practically every time, weak earth tremors happened. Hence, when my hotel room began to shake that November morning, I felt like there was nothing to be concerned about. So there I was, in the shower, getting ready for a big day, not minding the quake. That is, until it became too strong to be ignored. The walls and the ceiling made loud, creaky sounds for what felt like forever. That’s when I started getting scared. Thankfully, it subsided eventually and no one was hurt.
When it was all over, I went to Vins’s room. (The trip was part of #GoogleAdventure and we were given separate rooms.) Vins was as shaken as I was. He was packing when it happened. We immediately went down to the lobby.
4. We got scammed in Istanbul.
Istanbul is one of the greatest cities we had seen, but like many great cities, it has much more than its share of traveler scams. Unfortunately, we fell victim to one.
We got our cab in this area.
We were leisurely walking around the Eminönü area when I received a message that we had to attend a dinner party in an hour. because we didn’t have much time, we chose to get one of the cabs parked by the strait. The chauffeur was friendly and was not suspicious whatsoever — until he provided to take an alternate route to our hotel. It was fishy because it wasn’t our first day in the city, and we knew exactly how to get to our hotel fast. but he insisted because of the traffic jam. We were in the middle of the road so we couldn’t get out. As the ride went on, we discovered that the meter was moving unusually fast. long story short, he was asking us to pay five times than we probably should.
But it didn’t end there, after handing him our payment, he complained that we gave him the wrong bills. At first we thought we really made a mistake, but then after replacing the smaller bill, he once again complained that we gave him the wrong bills. He was taking advantage of our being unfamiliar with their notes. Anyway, when we started to demand to give us back the money, he sped off.
3. We got scammed again in Marrakech.
Learning from our mistakes in Istanbul, we were very careful when we reached Morocco. We arrived in Marrakech at practically midnight. At the train station, we thoroughly chose our taxi to make sure we won’t be scammed again. He dropped us off at the edge of Jemaa el-Fna because cars are not allowed to goany farther. From here, we needed to find our riad, conventional Moroccan house where we would be staying, on foot. thing is, the medina of Marrakech is a huge maze. and many riads had barely visible signs.
Jamaa el Fna in Marrakech
Still, we were careful. two men followed us around, providing help, but we declined. Instead, we asked fruit vendors for directions. It wasn’t enough. We still couldn’t find it.
We continued walking. The two men kept following us wherever we went. We were deep into the residential area, and there were no vendors that could help us this time. When we found a group of locals just chilling, we chose to ask them instead. one of the men asked for the address and promised to take us to our riad. With him leading the way, we walked down dark alleys. Vins and I started getting nervous. We felt like the man was misleading us.
I remember telling Vins, if it comes down to it, he ought to get him and I’ll kick his balls. Hahaha. We were really paranoid.
It turned out that he was really taking us to our riad. We got there without having to resort to fist fight. but as soon as we reached the riad, the man started asking for money as token. We gave him what we felt like a good amount, but he demanded more. equivalent to PHP500 (USD10).
2. Skydiving in Prague: CANCELED!
Between the two of us, Vins is the faint-hearted one. When it concerns extreme activities, I’m always up for the challenge. Vins always needs a lot of convincing. EINE MENGE. When the idea of skydiving in Prague presented itself, I didn’t even hesitate to sign up. Vins didn’t even hesitate to say no. but I know it was gonna be great and that it would be a shame if Vins would miss it. I had to convince him to join. You’re gonna thank me for it, I told him. I spend an entire day and night trying to get him to agree! Not only was he scared, he was also concerned about the money. but mostly scared. This was the most affordable skydiving I’d seen anywhere in the world.
Finally, he said yes. Halleluja! We registered. Vollständig bezahlt. scheduled for the next day.
Canceled jump
The next day, it rained. Our dive was canceled. and we couldn’t reschedule because it was our last day in Prague. Aaaaargh! I spent 2 days trying to bend Vins’s arm to do this and it got canceled just when he was emotionally ready!
1. northern Lights in Iceland: NO SHOW!
We thoroughly picked our Iceland travel dates. We took into consideration the moon’s brightness, strength of solar activity, and the weather. but you know weather, it’s fickle and fucked up!
We were in Brussels videos of the Aurora Borealis got viral online. It was special because the lights were clearly visible from Reykjavik. In fact, the government had the city lights turned off for maximum seeing pleasure. We were thrilled because our next stop was Iceland! We would be there in a couple of days.
When we arrived, Iceland was covered with thick clouds. They would clear up numerous times during the day but they evenings were overcast. Pfui! the worst part, there was strong solar activity the entire week that we were there. We just couldn’t see the lights because the clouds were blocking the view. because night 1, the northern Lights trip we booked kept getting canceled and moved to the next night.
But it didn’t end there. On our last day, WE missed OUR shuttle TO THE AIRPORT.
We had already locked our AirBnB house and left the keys inside, so we were stuck outside in the ICELAND cold at 3am.
At first, we didn’t think we missed it, so we waited. but after practically an hour in the cold, it finally dawned on us that it was not coming and we many certainly missed it. There were no taxis around. We tried calling transfer companies but the voice message said they open at 7:30am. We tried booking online but the next trip was scheduled at 5am. Our flight was at 6am. The airport is an hour away.
At that point, we knew it would be impossible to catch our flight.
BUT THEN, a shuttle from a competing company stopped in front of us, waiting for 2 other passengers from a nearby hotel. They waited, but the passengers CANCELED. There were 2 vacant seats in that shuttle, and we needed a ride. We spoke with the driver. “We didn’t book this shuttle, but we missed ours. would you accommodate us even without prior reservations?” Er hat! and he didn’t charge us extra.
We made it in time for our flight! Wütend! thank you, universe!
Top 5 best travel Moments
5. totally free upgrade to a water vacation home in the Maldives!
It all started when my friend Tonet invited me to choose her somewhere she could relax. She would be coming from a trip in Japan and I from Singapore. Our initial plan was Bagan, Myanmar, but the weather forecast suggested we won’t be riding any hot-air balloon there. Haphazardly, we tried to come up with an alternative, a place that we’d never been before but did not require pre-approved visa. The idea of the Maldives was thrown on the table, and both of us grabbedes.
Wir wollten beide in einem Luxusresort übernachten, aber wir hatten ein begrenztes Budget, also buchten wir das günstigste Zimmer im günstigsten privaten Resort, das wir gefunden haben. Wir haben eines der Strandzimmer. Nichts Besonderes, aber bequem genug. Alles war in Ordnung, bis eines Morgens, als Tonet und ich nur um den Empfang herumgingen. Der Manager lenkte unsere Aufmerksamkeit und näherte sich uns.
„Wie möchten Sie auf eine Wasservilla aufrüsten? Es gibt freie Villen. “ sagte der Manager. Da ich wusste, wie teuer diese Überwasser -Bungalows sind, sah ich den Tonet an und versuchte, einen Weg zu finden, um kein Höflichkeit zu sagen.
“Hmmmmm”, sagte Tonet.
“Es ist kostenlos. Keine Gebühr “, fügte der Manager hinzu.
Und einfach so antworteten Tonet und ich gleichzeitig: “Sicher!”
4. Sprechen im World Tourism Forum in Istanbul
Ich würde lügen, wenn ich dir sagen würde, dass ich während dieser Reise nicht ein bisschen verängstigt war. Es war in einer Zeit geplant, in der Istanbuls vielen touristischen Standort zu einem Terroranschlag fiel. Aber ich habe mir Sorgen nie wirklich davon abhalten, zu Orten außerhalb der Kriegszonen zu reisen. Selbst wenn wir nervös waren, flogen wir nach Istanbul und ehren unser Engagement mit dem World Tourism Forum.
Es war eine großartige Entscheidung, weil ich mich sehr über die Veranstaltung und Istanbul als Ganzes begeisterte.
3. Wasserfälle und Regenbogen in Island jagen
Island zeigte uns nicht seine kostbaren Nordlichter, aber es gab uns etwas viel mehr spritzigeres – Wasserfälle. Von diesen Wundern stach Skogafoss auf. aber zuerst nicht.
Als wir ankamen, waren wir ein wenig überwältigt. Der Wasserfall war großartig, ja, aber nachdem wir das majestätische Gullfoss gesehen hatten, brauchen wir viel mehr als eine Kaskade. Der Ort sah grau und trostlos aus. Sie sagten, es sieht normalerweise unter der Sonne besser aus, aber selbst die Sonne war nicht in der Stimmung. Wir wollten gerade gehen, als wir anhielten und sagten: “Lass uns ein bisschen mehr warten. Vielleicht.”
Und einfach so tauchte die Sonne endlich auf. Einfach so erschien ein Regenbogen vor uns.
Manchmal müssen Sie nur ein bisschen mehr warten. Kämpfe ein bisschen härter. Bleib ein bisschen länger. Und dann wirst du sehen.
2. Erster Schneefall und Heißluftballon fahren in Cappadocia, Türkei
Wir hatten unseren ersten Schneefall in Kappadokien. Sicher, ich habe Schnee schon einmal gesehen und berührt, aber er war schon auf dem Boden. Als ich das erste Mal sah, dass es in Goreme, Türkei, fiel. Eine Schneeflocke kam zu meiner Handschuhhand an und sie verschwand praktisch sofort.
Als wir in unserem Hostel in Goreme ankamen, schneit es hart. Unser Hostel hatte ein Café auf dem Dach, in dem Vins und ich warteten, während das Personal den Raum vorbereitete. Der Besitzer, der uns begrüßte, forderte uns immer wieder auf, hineinzugehen. “Es schneit, kommt herein, komm herein”, sagte er.
Aber wir blieben draußen. Versuch, den Schneefall zu umarmen. Wir sahen wie Idioten aus!
“Sie verstehen nicht”, sagte ich dem Hostel -Besitzer. “Es ist unser erster Schnee!”
Aber das ist nicht einmal meine vielen unvergesslichen Ersten in Cappadocia. An unserem zweiten Tag fuhren wir zum ersten Mal mit einem Heißluftballon und schwebten über einem unbegrenzten Meer von Felsformationen, von hoch aufragenden Säulen, die die Natur über 2000 Jahre lang sorgfältig in massiv und Kirchen vor Jahrhunderten. Die Fahrt ermöglicht auch einen Blick auf einige der mächtigen Gipfel von Zentralanatolien, von wo aus die Sonne in einem atemberaubenden himmlischen Display hervorgeht. Es war surreal.
1. Ein Tanz in Florenz, Italien.
Wo fängt ich an? Von unserem ersten Blick auf das Domano bis zu unserer letzten Mahlzeit in der Stadt gibt es so viel zu lieben an Firenze! An unserem ersten Tag wollten wir einen Panini hinter dem Domano probieren. Als das Personal uns fragte, was wir haben würden, sagte ich einfach: “Was auch immer Sie empfehlen.” Dann bat er uns, die Zutaten – Käse und Kälteausschnitte – einzeln auszuprobieren, während er erklärte, was sie waren und wo sie sie bekamen. Wir sprechen hier über einen 6eur Panini. Es ist wahrscheinlich etwas, das sie jedem neuen Kunden tun, der durch seine Tür geht, was viel bewundernswerter ist.
Das Gleiche passierte in einem Gelato -Laden. Wir waren der einzige