In the distance we could see the old town, looming on a cliff above us. Our taxi circled the perimeter of the town, choosing streets to turn down, only to arrive at a dead-end or a one-way. On much more than one occasion, the city map was consulted by our driver, while he mumbled in Bulgarian, trying to find a way to penetrate the ancient walls.
Eventually we gave up and chose to walk, rather than drive. The taxi chauffeur felt awful for not being able to get us to our destination, and he didn’t charge us the price on the meter. However, we still chose to give him some money, but the gesture was indicative of what we would experience during the next 5 nights in Plovdiv.
Wir sind angekommen! crossing the border from Turkey into Bulgaria was very straightforward
We hoofed it up steep cobblestone streets, which was made simpler by the fact that we had no luggage. The airline had lost it en route to Turkey – maybe it was in Puerto Rico where we started our journey, possibly our layover city of new York, or maybe it was in Istanbul?
Who knew, all we knew was that at that moment, we were pleased to only have our day packs.
The little lanes zigged and zagged in all directions, and the high walls made it challenging to see anything up ahead. Seeing our confused faces, a man came over and helped us find our hostel. In fact, he actually walked us best to the door.
From the outside, the Hostel Old Plovdiv was stunning, with its yellow exterior, ornate wooden columns, and beautifully decorated facade.
As we entered the 150 year old home, we were in awe of the high ceilings and wooden floors. greeting us was a welcome sign! In all of our years of backpacking around the world, never has a hostel had a personal sign for its visitors – a very good touch indeed.
The beautiful Hostel Old Plovdiv – we couldn’t get over the customized sign!
Even though this accommodation is considered a hostel, it’s much more like a boutique hotel (which we love), and the prices are incredibly fair (10 Euros / person / night, including a substantial breakfast).
Originally owned by a rich tobacco farmer, this home is somewhat of a museum. While numerous of the homes from this period have been converted into shops or restaurants, Hostel Old Plovdiv provides guests a peek of what households were like in the 1800’s.
The elegant ceilings and antique furniture is lovely, but what really amazed us was the stone wall from the Roman period in the basement!
A portion of a Roman wall in the basement of the hostel!
There’s just something about old towns that we’ve always been drawn to, and Plovdiv’s was no exception. just steps from the hostel we could visit a museum, church, art gallery, Roman ruins, and the Rahat Tepe tavern – which we ended up frequenting quite often!
A short walk brought us to the main pedestrian street, which is a feature that all cities ought to have. Knyaz Aleksandar I is the longest pedestrianized street in all of Europe, spanning 1.7 kilometers.
A portion of the pedestrian street in Plovdiv
This was an outstanding spot for shopping, people watching, having coffee, and checking out the 240 meter long Roman stadium, which has been partially excavated.
As Canadians, seeing ruins from the Roman period in the basement of our hostel, scattered along a ridge of the old town, and in the center of the city was pretty incredible.
In Canada, the oldest structure we have is from the early 1600’s, while the country of Canada itself wasn’t founded until 1867!
The partially excavated Roman stadium best in the middle of the pedestrian street!
We joined a totally free walking trip with some other backpackers which was a terrific way to get our bearings in the city. We delighted in the Bulgarian revival architecture, the up-and-coming neighbourhood “the Trap”, and seeing the amazing Roman amphitheater, which is actually still used for various performances.
Revival style architecture on the walking tour
The surrounding countryside has 40 wineries with local varieties of grapes, which only grow in Bulgaria. even though we took a red wine trip during a cold January day, it was still stunning, and I can’t even think of how stunning the vineyards should be in the spring and summer.
The Thracian people (you’ve probably heard of Spartacus?) were from Thrace, an area found in present day Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey. They were outstanding red wine makers and it’s said that the first vines in Europe were brought by Thracians from the middle east and planted in what is now southern Bulgaria.
The first winery on our trip was StarataIzba Parvenets, mit einem wunderschönen Nachlass aus dem 19. Jahrhundert in Reben. Wir haben Rotwein direkt aus den bulgarischen Eichenfässern in einem 130 -jährigen Keller probiert! Dies war einer der Momente in Reisen “Ich kann nicht glauben, was wir tun”.
Am Eingang zum Starata Izba Parvenets Winery, wunderschön!
Das zweite und das Finale, Weingut, das wir uns angesehen haben, war das viel modernere Ferienhaus Yustina, das auf einem schönen Grundstück spielt. Wir waren in der Lage, einen kleinen Einblick in den Ziegenstift zu bekommen – sie waren so süß! Wir haben auch eine Vielzahl von Weinen probiert, die auf dem Anwesen am besten angebaut, gealtert und abgefüllt wurden.
Obwohl wir uns wirklich über die hier angebotenen Ziegen und Weine freuten, waren wir fantastisch, dass wir Weinpaarungen mit Essen erleben konnten.
Ziegen !!
Eine Platte aus Käse, Fleisch, Brot und Blaubeermarmelade war für uns zum Essen erhältlich – was gut war, da wir zu diesem Zeitpunkt ungefähr 6 Verkostungen hatten (und die „Verkostungen“ waren viel mehr Gläser in voller Größe).
Die Weingüter unterschieden sich völlig voneinander, und wir hatten eine ausgeprägte und herausragende Erfahrung bei beiden.
Krassi eingießt uns lecker Rotwein, um uns mit unseren Vorspeisen zu kombinieren
Plovdiv hat alle Kästchen überprüft, wenn es darum geht, was wir in einem Ziel suchen. Es gab fantastische Geschichte, großartiges Essen, atemberaubende Landschaft, faszinierende Architektur und die Menschen waren äußerst freundlich und einladend. Wir wurden tatsächlich mit den Besitzern von Bulgarien -Rotweinreisen (Vasil und Zina) Freunde. Sie haben uns sogar ein bisschen wie ein Kneipe -Crawl mitgenommen!
Uns mit Vasil von Bulgarien -Rotweinausflügen – danke für einen tollen Tag!
Alle anderen, denen wir begegnet waren, waren echt und behandelten uns nicht wie Ausländer oder Touristen. Wir fühlten uns wie Freunde mit so zahlreichen Menschen in dieser Stadt. Wir wurden auch zufällig von einem Journalisten in einem der Pubs interviewt und es hier ansehen.
The restaurants were outstanding and we loved sampling the local Bulgarian food (Nick has discovered he really likes duck heart!) For entertainment, the pubs were a lot of fun, and thanks to our pal Jazza, we were able to find some amazing live music auch… im Keller einer Bar.
Die Live -Musik war großartig!
Die Geschichte war umwerfend, unsere Unterkunft war erstaunlich und die Gesamtstimmung der Stadt war sehr „Aylak“ (das Plovdiv-Wort für Entspannung). Dies ist irgendwo, wo wir im Frühjahr gerne zurückkehren würden, und es ist uns keine Überraschung, dass Plovdiv 2019 als europäische Kulturhauptstadt bezeichnet wurde.
Darüber hinaus waren die Kosten für das Reisen in Plovdiv von einem sehr guten Wert. In einem Restaurant lagen die Mahlzeiten zwischen 3 und 5 US -Dollar für einen großen Teller mit Lebensmitteln, die lokalen Biere waren etwa 1 und 0,5 l Rotwein 2,50 US -Dollar. Taxis waren auch sehr wirtschaftlich (sie verwenden das Messgerät tatsächlich!) Und die Cover -Gebühr für die Live -Musik betrug 1 US -Dollar.
Plovdiv hatte etwas, das uns dazu brachte, verweilen zu wollen. This was the first stop on our Eastern Europe backpacking trip, and we quickly wanted to stay put! Aber wir mussten uns weiter in Bewegung halten und mehr erkunden. Seien Sie gespannt auf unsere bevorstehenden Abenteuer in diesem Teil der Welt.
Foto von: Jazza von Nomadasaurus
Check out our quick video of our time in Plovdiv ?
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A big thank-you to Hostel Old Plovdiv and Bulgaria red wine trips for hosting us during our stay in the city, we had a terrific time! As always, all thoughts and opinions remain our own, despite any complimentary services received.
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